Monday, January 17, 2022

Vitamin D: More Important than you think!


Vitamin D: More Important than you think!


Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins that your body needs. It is essential for your health not just during winter, but throughout the year.


Vitamin D is synthesized when sunlight comes in contact with certain oils on your skin. Because of its structure and the fact that it is made by the body, many consider it to be a hormone rather than a vitamin. Whichever it is, Vitamin D plays a significant role in your health.


Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium from our diet. Calcium is essential to proper bone formation, muscle contraction, and the functioning of the nervous system. 


Vitamin D is also provides benefits to the immune system, such as protecting against autoimmune diseases, helping with T cell activation, and fighting against upper respiratory bacterial or viral infections.

Having the right amount of the vitamin is important. Living in a place with more sunlight will result in your body producing more Vitamin D. However, an excess of Vitamin D can cause nausea, vomiting, or weakness (sometimes described as a sunstroke). People who are deficient in Vitamin D may experience rickets.


Skin pigmentation is another significant factor in the production of Vitamin D. Melanin, the pigment responsible for darker skin color, filters out UV light and slows down Vitamin D production.


People, especially those who have darker skin, living in areas that do not get much sunlight should consider boosting their intake of Vitamin D through supplementation. Fish oils and liver are good sources of Vitamin D.


Vitamin D is a vital component of good health. Make sure this vitamin is in your Radiant Health plan.

Visit our article page on Radiant Tree Wellness for more health information.
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